Value Chain Development

The Value Chain Development Initiative works to connect the dots between producers and consumers of local food in Iowa; from the farm gate to the consumer’s plate. We work with partners across the state to lead advocacy and facilitate partnerships, design sustainable systems through market matchmaking and technical assistance.

A thriving food value chain in Iowa is one where everyone has access to the local food they want and farmers get a fair price so they can keep feeding our communities. The LFPA is one of the projects driving this local food value chain initiative.

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Market Development

Value Chain Facilitation

  • RFSI

    The Iowa RFSI program is building resilience in the middle of the food supply chain by developing and improving markets for Iowa small farms and food businesses, investing in the development of Iowa local food processing, distribution, and aggregation infrastructure, and protecting fair prices, fair wages, and new and safe job opportunities. 

  • Food Hub Managers Working Group

    The Food Hub Managers Working Group brings actively engaged food hub managers together in quarterly meetings, addresses current operating and start‐up challenges and emerging needs for food hub businesses and determines the long term role of a statewide food hub manager’s network in leveraging new funds, creating new opportunities and new partners, and supporting the sustainability of food hubs in Iowa.

  • Kitchen Connect

    Kitchen Connect is a statewide initiative to inspire a new food entrepreneur culture in Iowa. Through comprehensive outreach to regulators, buyers, educators, and technical assistance providers, the project empowers and informs start-up food businesses.