Farmer Development

The Farmer Development Initiative provides education and technical support to beginning and experienced farmers in Iowa with the goal of increasing farm business viability and resilience. This initiative supports 75 farmers per year through on-farm demonstration, paid apprenticeships, fellowship programs, land and equipment access, and workshops.

Many of our Farmer Development programs are based at the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm, click below to learn more.

On Farm Training

  • Grow: Johnson County

    Started in 2015, Grow: Johnson County farm located on the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm in Iowa City. We train growers through hands-on farming experiences for all ages and backgrounds. All the produce grown on the farm is distributed to 16 local food pantries throughout Johnson County, Iowa. Since the program began, Grow annually provides over 40,000 pounds to our partners and has donated over 240,000 pounds of fresh produce.

  • New Century Farm Fellowship

    The New Century Farm Fellowship program will launch in October 2025.

    New Century Farm Fellows will receive a comprehensive, hands-on farming education and will gain essential skills, land and market access, capital resources, and community support needed to build a thriving farm business. Five beginning farmers will be hired as paid, full-time Iowa Valley RC&D staff and receive comprehensive employee benefits throughout their two-year fellowship. 

Coaching + Technical Assistance

  • Clean Start

    Clean Start is a food safety coaching opportunity made possible through a USDA Food Safety Outreach Program grant. The program goal is to improve on-farm knowledge and capacity of beginning farmers to implement food safety best practices on their farm.

  • Fresh Connect

    The Fresh Connect Business Coaching Program is designed for small-to mid-scale farmers in Eastern Iowa who have been in business for between one and six years and plan to continue farming.

  • Farmers Toolshed

    Farmers Toolshed is an equipment sharing program for farmers. Farmers Toolshed will offer local farmers access to more efficient and specialized equipment at a lower cost.


    As part of a new pilot program, we are working to reach a larger, more diverse base of farmers and producers, to share resources, expertise, and increase access for small to mid-scale and underserved farmers to USDA’s agricultural conservation programming.

  • Farmers Market Manager Toolkit

    The Farmers Market Manager Toolkit is a series of vendor handouts, the Iowa Farmers Market Manager Handbook, and the Lettuce Grow Online Training series. This Toolkit is meant to complement the existing booklet published by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and resources provided by the Iowa Farmers Market Association. It was created in partnership withNortheast Iowa RC&D with support from Iowa’s market managers and vendors.

Research + Demonstration

  • No Till Trial

    Intensive tillage undermines soil health and erosion control, yet it is commonly used on most organic vegetable farms to manage weeds.

    Beginning in 2023, we are conducting a no till vegetable trial on 1 acre of land at the Grow: Johnson County farm. Click here to learn more about this trial as it progresses and how farmers can get a cost share to trial no-till on their own farms.

  • Farm Tabs

    Farm Tabs is a software developed by the Iowa Valley RC&D team to enable small and mid-sized farmers to manage records to meet GAP audit and other food safety requirements. FarmTabs is free software developed by experts in the area of food safety, agricultural supply chains, process improvement and software development. FarmTabs is publicly available under a Creative Commons License.

    Farm Tabs is getting a maintenance update and customer support is not currently available.

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